In Pursuit of Development

Great Power Competition and the Global South — Ilaria Carrozza

Episode Summary

Dan Banik and Ilaria Carrozza explore how countries in the Global South navigate the power dynamics between the US, China, and Russia, asserting their agency and strategic interests.

Episode Notes

The ever-evolving world of global power dynamics is characterized by the complex relationships between large economies such as the United States and China and how these interactions are perceived and navigated by countries in the Global South. Understanding these dynamics requires a comprehensive view of how some countries, such as China, position themselves as a challenger to the existing world order and US hegemony through their economic, structural, and normative power. While many countries in the Global South are finding it challenging to navigate the complex terrain of great power competition, some are leveraging their unique positions to maximize benefits and assert their sovereignty. They engage strategically with multiple great powers, negotiating deals and leveraging relationships to their advantage, balancing economic needs, security concerns, and political aspirations. 

Ilaria Carrozza is a senior researcher at the The Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO). Her research focuses on understanding how China extends its influence abroad and challenges the existing world order. @ilaria_carrozza



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